Back to the Catholic Church
We talked about everything and I didn`t even told my beloved wife about it but the John`s chapter 6 persuaded me.I`ve already known it before but nowdays thanks to the Holy Spirit I found out for certain that it said about the real Lord`s Flesh and Blood – Eucharist.And I began working on going back to my motherly Church…As a child I was baptized in the Roman-Catholic Church but due to the circumstances in our family I didn`t grow up in faith.As a child my old father told me the basic elements but when he had died I didn`t hear a word about faith anymore.
When I was at the grammer school ( it was at the time of so-called Velvet Revolution ) all of us heard more about some spiritual things and life outside the Earth.I`ve heard that in my hometown there were interesting lectures about the Bible`s prophecies – these prophecies attracted my notice immediately and I hurried to take part in them on the next day.A high-ranking preacher of a Protestant church gave lectures ( at that time I didn`t know anything about the different denominations nor took an interest in it ).
I found one lecture on the Old Testament book of Daniel fairly interesting.Consequently, he lectured on the Revelation of Saint John – Apocalypse.It was very easy for me to adopt the system Sola Scriptura ( Only Scripture – the Bible – is the full-valued revelation of God`s truth editors` note ) when I saw the Bible explaining itself nicely and the prophecies being fulfilled.Then the Protestants also pointed out to the fact that in the Bible it said about keeping another day and the Catholic Church shifted the observance of this day for Sunday.Later on, I believed without hesitating that the Pope is a “small horn” from the Daniel prophecy and in actual fact he`s Antichrist.
I was filled with hatred for Catholics for a long time.I also believed that the Protestants have got a prophet woman and together with them I placed her in the same level with the Bible.
Everyone had to hate all the Catholic church due to her disdainful talks about Popes.It also lead me to show the disrespect for the saints and Virgin Mary whom I only took for an ordinary woman that was dead.I thought everyone that prayed to her was a fool.It goes without saying that I was an active Protestant and had very good knowledge of the Bible.
Once I wanted to meet a former Protestant who had been my friend because I knew that he`d become Catholic and I was interested why he could do such a thing. We talked about everything and I didn`t even told my beloved wife about it but the John`s chapter 6 persuaded me.I`ve already known it before but nowdays thanks to the Holy Spirit I found out for certain that it said about the real Lord`s Flesh and Blood – Eucharist.And I began working on going back to my motherly Church.There were slews of things that I didn`t understand but God sent me an excellent priest and I found out that it was trifle.
The Archbishop approved of my return to the Church and beforehand I could go to the general confession.The day of my first communion was a very happy day for me.I talked about this experience in front of the church and confessed Nicei-Istanbul profession of faith and was received back into the Catholic Church.
Bc.Branislav Talaj
Displayed 19463x od 16. 09. 2009
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